Whisk all ingredients together in a small saucepan, over low heat.
Keep whisking every few seconds while it heats.
Cook just until it starts to boil slighty, then remove from heat.
Sweetener blend
I like to use a 50/50 blend of stevia and monk fruit because the erythritol in monk fruit sweeteners can cause some digestive upset and it works great with stevia. If you do okay with erythritol or another sweetener, have at it!
Add-in options
Substitute the vanilla extract for another flavor, such as almond, mint or orange.Add a pinch of cinnamon (my favorite), masala, curry or black pepper (omit for low-FODMAP).Or just go nuts and add a tablespoon of peanut butter. It will be thick, though, so if you want it to stay 'saucey', you need to add a little bit more coconut milk. Or don't, and have yourself the best keto chocolate pudding ever!!! Seriously, try this. It's insane.Serve on top of your favorite dessert with a dollop of Low-Carb Whipped Cream.